Monday, November 3, 2014


Florida appears to be heavily laden with corruption.  A current report states that Florida is number 10 on the list of the 10 most corrupt states in the country.  I have read reports from previous years where Florida has been number 1, the most corrupt state in the country.  Governor Scott has been in charge for the last four years and Governor Crist was in charge for the four years before that.  Together they have been in charge of Florida for the last eight years during which time Florida has consistently rated in the bottom 20% of states properly handling corruption.  During this same time, Florida had 4 cities (Pensacola is number 6) in the category of 10 most dangerous small cities in the country.  It appears that the Governors of at least forty-six other states have managed to keep their small cities safer than either of these Florida Governors.  This appears to be an F minus for both candidates. 
While each candidate reports serious crimes on the part of the other candidate and points out the small successes during their term, neither of them have spoken about the apparent major problems in Florida—crime and corruption—and what they plan to do to correct that situation.
I, like many others, have repeatedly reported apparent illegal/criminal actions on the part of elected or appointed government officials who have harmed and victimized the public.  I discussed some of these illegal actions in my blogs: and
In addition to the excessive corruption which has harmed us as a member of the public, Pensacola City Officials have individually targeted my business with false charges, false accusations, hostility, bullying, force, and abuse of authority by illegally interfering with the legal operation of our authorized business. 
Since most people seem to be unaware of the high level of crime and corruption in Florida, and especially in Pensacola, I have decided to describe my experiences of being an unwilling victim of crime and corruption in the hopes that my disclosure will inspire government officials to end the high rate of corruption in Florida and especially in Pensacola.
We had been officially and legally authorized, on two occasions, to operate our business as an art gallery/antique shop holding functions, by Pensacola Department Heads in May, 2000, and by the Pensacola City Council on January 11, 2001.  This fact is part of the official records of the Pensacola City Council which can be found at
Our business was authorized and had operated, including the previous owner, at the same location – for over 25 years - with no complaints.  The business, an art gallery/antique shop holding functions, was in an historic house, built in 1883, and was located in the North Hill Preservation district.  We had been law-abiding citizens, paying our taxes on time, keeping our property up and dutifully obeying Pensacola Ordinances.  We operated our business strictly as authorized.   We enjoyed collecting antiques and art pieces for resale.  We also enjoyed seeing the family reunions, weddings, gallery nights and other social functions take place in our beautiful building especially the candlelight weddings (I supplied the candles and flowers free of charge) for young servicemen and women where I performed the marriage ceremony as I am a notary public. 
Since we have worked so hard all our lives, we wanted to enjoy our retirement by doing things we loved and, at the same time, add income to our fixed retirement income.  We have followed the rules and neighbors, guests and city officials have repeatedly stated that we have added greatly to the appearance of the neighborhood.  Our contract called for no hard liquor out of respect for the bride and our property.  All of the functions went well.  There were never any complaints from our neighbors, customers or city officials.  We were in a good position, as many venues for weddings had been heavily damaged or destroyed by Hurricane Ivan.  We had survived and quickly repaired the damage.  We were completely booked for the foreseeable future.
On March 19, 2005, without notice and out of nowhere, a police cruiser showed up during a wedding at 7:00 PM on a Saturday evening causing a disturbance with lights flashing and driving the wrong way on a one-way street.  The Pensacola Police Officer loudly declared, in front of many witnesses, that we were not authorized to have weddings and stated that our business was closed down.  I stated to him that we had been authorized by city officials to have functions and that functions had taken place at that location for 25 years with no problem.  He said our business was closed down and that was that.
It appeared that City Officials used the Pensacola Police Department to illegally close down our business, without due process.  This was the day before City Officials announced in the Sunday newspaper that they were going to build a forty-million-dollar Maritime Park at the end of our street. 
The Supreme Law of the Land, the United States Constitution, requires due process (Amendments 5 and 14) and equal protection (Amendment 14) for an action such as this.  Instead, City Officials skipped to the punishment stage, illegally closing down our legally authorized business.
Sunday morning I called the Pensacola Police desk sergeant who said that he was familiar with the incident and background and that if we tried to reopen or hold a function, a police officer would be dispatched.   The Pensacola News Journal had a front page article in the MONEY section announcing the plans for the Community Maritime Park to be constructed on our street.
On Monday morning, March 21, 2005, I called Mr. Cowper, Director of the Community Development Department and reminded him that we had been properly vetted, legally and officially authorized to operate an art gallery/antique shop having functions in 1999-2000. That we had been approved for these uses, including functions, by all relevant City Departments in May, 2000, again approved by the Pensacola City Council on January 11, 2001, for these uses, including functions memorialized by a Pensacola City Ordinance, and had been approved by County and State Officials for these uses, including functions.   
I told him that City Officials had not issued a prior notice of anything being wrong – informing us that we were in violation - before the surprise illegal close down of our business by the Pensacola Police Department.  I told him that City Officials did not follow due process to show we were in violation of any ordinance, procedure or law.  Mr. Cowper said that we were completely closed down and that we would be charged with committing a crime if we reopened. 
I submitted extensive documentation to Governor Bush and he refused to stop the apparent illegal/criminal actions against us.
I submitted extensive documentation to Governor Christ and to his aide, Mr. Newman, showing that our business had been properly authorized as being in compliance with all regulations, including zoning, parking, official authorization, etc. 
Below is a copy of the email I sent to Mr. Warren Davis, Interim Director of Citizen Services, on December 7, 2007.
“Dear Mr. Warren Davis, Interim Director of Citizen Services
In response to my letter to the Governor in August, 2007, I received a letter from Mr. Newman, dated September 14, 2007, referring us to our local government for resolution of our problem with the local government breaking the law.  Unfortunately, this has not worked.  As I stated in my initial letter to Governor Crist, we have been writing to the local government for over two and one half years pointing out that they are breaking the law and asking them to stop.  So far, they have refused to stop. 
Since the Governor is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the State, it is his responsibility to see that the laws of the State of Florida and the Country are followed.  This is not happening in Pensacola.  We have been denied our rights under the Florida Constitution and the United States Constitution and the Governor has the responsibility and the authority to resolve this situation.
I am requesting, under the appropriate public records and public information acts and laws, a copy of all correspondence, notes and summary of phone calls relating to our situation, our property or ourselves....”
We did not receive the information I requested and we did not receive any assistance in stopping the illegal actions against us.
On March 15, 2008, the Pensacola News Journal published an article written by the Florida Attorney General, Bill McCollum, titled, “Sunshine Law protects your right to know.”
Attorney General McCollum stated that the “Sunshine Law provides a right of access to government proceedings at both the state and local levels.”  Most of my requests for information regarding issues I was involved in, made under the provisions of Florida’s Sunshine Law and the Freedom of Information Act, have been ignored or denied outright (DBPR).  While Attorney General McCollum’s article makes it sound that the Sunshine Law rights are respected and obeyed, I have found that they were not.  I informed Attorney General McCollum about the illegal closing of our authorized business and the refusal to comply with out request for information.  He did nothing about the apparent illegal/criminal situation.
I received a letter from Mr. Newman, the Governor’s Office, dated March 17, 2008:
“Dear Ms. Mead
     Thank you for contacting Governor Crist.  The Governor appreciates your concerns about decisions on the use of your property made by local officials and asked me to respond on his behalf.
     Although the Governor appreciates the opportunity to review your concerns, your issue is a local government matter.  As you may know, our government is structured on the principle that local communities can best assess the needs of their residents.  For that reason, your best option is to continue to work with your locally elected officials to resolve this issue.
     The state attorney should be contacted by those who believe locally elected officials have violated criminal laws.  You can obtain the name of the state attorney in your circuit by calling directory assistance.  The Ethics Commission should be contacted by those who believe elected officials have used their office for private gain.  That address is Post Office Box 25709, Tallahassee, Florida, 32317-5709, and the telephone number is (850) 488-7864.
     Thank you again for writing.  For information about the Governor’s initiatives, please visit our Web site at
                               Signed/typed     Rex T. Newman
                                                         Office of Citizen Services
Mr. Newman continued to define the problem as “concerns about decisions on the use of your property made by local officials” when the facts were that City Officials illegally closed us down without due process (violation of our rights under the United States Constitution); prohibited us from receiving income from our properly authorized commercial property (appears to be grand theft in violation of Florida State Statutes);  conspired together to extort us to close and remain closed based on force, threats, and bullying; made false accusations, statements and reports to those I reported the apparent illegal/criminal actions to; refused to furnish correspondence I requested under the Public Information Act and the Sunshine law, etc.  Extortion, grand theft, conspiracy, making false reports to state agencies, and other actions which Pensacola City Officials appeared to routinely practice appear to be felonies and were in violation of Florida State Statutes.  All Florida State agencies I contacted refused to accept responsibility for stopping apparent illegal/criminal actions against us. 
Mr. Newman, representing Governor Crist, and all other Florida State Officials I have contacted falsely define this matter as “a local government matter” or as a “civil” matter instead of abuse of authority and probable corruption on the part of public officials; and stated they would do nothing to investigate and stop the actions being committed against us.
On April 8, 2008, I, again, wrote to Governor Crist’s Office.
 “Dear Mr. Newman
I am enclosing a letter, dated March 9, 2008, that I sent to Mr. DuBose at our State Attorney’s office.  I have heard nothing regarding my letter.
As I previously stated to you, we have been writing to the local government for over three years pointing out that they are breaking the law, stripping us of our income from our commercial property downtown by illegally closing us down—an illegal activity they have refused to stop.  We have been writing to the City Council for almost 10 years, pointing out other illegal activities on their part which have caused us and others great harm.
As I’ve explained, in Pensacola, we cannot get our local governmental officials or our elected officials to follow the law and do their job.
Mr. Newman, we have aggressively pursued these apparent crimes through the state Agencies set up to handle them - State Attorney, Attorney General, Chief Inspector General, FDLE, etc.- and no one will effectively address these issues therefore, we are again asking that the Governor oversee this situation. 
We can be reached at (850) 433-7711.  Thank you for your assistance.
 Mary M. Mead
 Mr. Newman did not answer my letter.
    “Tallahassee – Gov. Charlie Crist asked the Florida Supreme Court Wednesday to impanel a special grand jury for a year-long investigation into “a culture of corruption” among public officials.
     At a brief news conference with Bill shepherd, the statewide prosecutor in Attorney General Bill McCollum’s office, Crist said the special grand jury he is seeking will focus on South Florida.  But he emphasized that it is not working on any single case, such as the recent arrest of Broward County eye surgeon Alan Mendelsohn – who raised money for Crist and served on his 2006 transition team.
     Broward County School Board member Beverly Gallagher and County Commissioner Josephus Eggelletion also have been charged with corruption, and two building contractors face charges of attempting to pay off unidentified Miramar city officials.
     “Recently, we have experienced an unsettling string of crimes, unconscionable violations of the public’s trust by public officials, predominantly in South Florida,” Crist said.  “The people deserve better.”
     Governor Crist petitioned the Supreme Court to create a grand jury to investigate allegations of corruption, indict those involved and make recommendations to fix “the fundamental problems within the system that may in fact be cultivating a culture of corruption.”
     “Crist, a candidate for the U.S. Senate, and Shepherd were joined by Lt. Gov. Jess Kottkemp, who is running for attorney general  next year, and Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Gerald Bailey.  McCollum, who is running for governor, issued a statement of support.”
Apparently the “special grand jury for a year-long investigation into “a culture of corruption” among public officials” never amounted to a serious undertaking but appeared to be press releases for people running for office.  The “”culture of corruption” among public officials continued to be a serious problem.
I wrote Governor Charlie Crist, again, on October 28, 2010:
“Dear Governor Crist
We have repeatedly requested protection against apparent criminal/illegal actions committed against us in violation of the United States Constitution, Florida Statutes and local ordinances regarding the Pensacola Mayor, Pensacola City Council and Pensacola City Officials illegally denying us the legal authorized use of our private historic property listed on the National Register of Historic Places.  So far, you have refused to stop the apparent criminal/illegal actions against us.”
I also asked for all communications regarding myself except for correspondence generated by me.
Governor Crist did not answer this letter and did not send the information I requested.
Each time I have written the Governor (including Governor Bush, Governor Crist and Governor Scott), the Governor sends us back to FDLE who will do nothing to stop apparent illegal/criminal actions against us on the part of officials to take our property away from us (not imminent domain, which would be a civil matter, but an illegal closing without due process).
Governor Scott’s aide, Mr. Newman, did not respond to my letter of August 7, 2011.  I wrote him again on September 16, 2011.
Dear Mr. Newman
I have received no answer to my letter to you of August 7, 2011. 
I asked that you investigate the apparent illegal/criminal actions against us, lift the illegal prohibition on me operating my legally authorized business, and bring charges against all who are breaking the law. 
I asked, under the Public Information Act, all correspondence, except generated by me, regarding our situation. 
I am again asking, this time under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), all correspondence, except generated by me, regarding our situation. 
Mary Mead
Mr. Newman, Governor Scott’s aide, never responded to this letter either or did anything to stop the felonies being committed against us.  It appears that Governor Scott and his aide have no problem with citizens of the state being victimized by public officials.